About me

About me

Claudette Abela Baldacchino
Deputy Mayor of Qrendi
Member of the Committee of the Regions of the EU
Vice President Socialist Group of the Congress for Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe (CLARE)

The International Field
I have been a member of the Committee of the Regions (COR) since 2006. Has been appointed as rapporteur for the CoR on behalf of the Party of Eureopan Socialist Group in the CoR, member of the InterGroup for the Mediterranean.

I have also been been entrusted by the Party of the European Socialist's Group within the CoR as one of the coordinators for the PES Manifesto for the European Parliament Elections to be held in June 2009.

In 2008 I was elected Vice President of the Socialist Group in Congress for Local and Regional Authorities in the Council of Europe. I was also appointed rapporteur for the Congress for Local and Regional Authorities.

The Local Field
Vice President of the Local Councils Association and representative of the South East Region. Deputy Mayor of the Qrendi Local Council on the Malta Labour Party List.

A journalist by profession. Has produced and hosted news bulletins for radio and television since 1992 with One Productions a local TV media station owned by the Malta Labour Party.

Has also produced, presented and hosted a local production on Local Government issues covering both national and international news with regards to local and regional authorities in the European Union and across Europe in general.

Read BA (Hons) Social Administration and Diploma in Social Studies (Women and Development) at the University of Malta.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Illegal immigration - The Malta Independent on Sunday

The topic of immigration, or rather that of illegal immigration, has become a subject that is discussed in all households across all strata of Maltese society. This comes as no surprise since during the summer months we hear of migrants landing in one of our bays or being rescued by our armed forces almost on a daily basis. This issue has also become an integral part of the political debate in Malta.

please read more:


Monday, October 27, 2008

Beyond aspirations

We should be proud of our progress but we need to ensure that what we have attained we will keep, and what we desire and need does not become mere aspiration.

Culture, creativity and innovation are the key sources of growth, investment and new jobs. For this to be achieved there must be early, pre-school learning and primary education for the development of basic competences, that is, the knowledge, skills and attitudes that equip people to live and work in modern European society, and to acquire additional knowledge.

Society is changing, but whatever the change we must still have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Social inclusion and or exclusion are related to various aspects of life – ranging from employment to education, culture and leisure, housing to social welfare – limited time and human needs. Social exclusion is not just about basic conditions. It is about not having access to the things most people take for granted – basic skills, a job, and a decent home, a sufficient income and contact with friends and family. It is about not having power over your life and your future. There are new challenges ahead.

please read more:


Thursday, October 9, 2008

PES GROUP - Call to Action for Decent Work, Decent Life

L-Unjoni Ewropeja ghandha tara li jkun hemm l-istrutturi kollha necessarji u f posthom biex ma jkunx hemm sfruttament fuq il-postijiet tax-xoghol. Jezistu haddiema zghazagh anke f Malta li qed jigu sfruttati, l-istess bhal fil-kaz ta nisa u rgiel f setturi differenti u f postijiet tax xoghol differenti li qed jigu abbuzati bil-hinijiet u kundizzjonijiet tax-xoghol offruti lilhom.
Dan qed isir fl-isfond tal-kontijiet u prezzijiet dejjem joghlew fosthom tal-energija u ta l-ikel inkluz f Malta issa wkoll bi proposti ta tariffi godda u aktar gholja tad dawl u l-ilma li dwarhom m hemmx kunsens fil-pajjiz.
Hekk sostniet Claudette Abela Baldacchino Membru tal-Grupp Socjalista fil-Kumitat tar-Regjuni meta flimkien mal-Kap tad-Delegazzjoni Laburista fuq l-istess istituzzjoni Ewropeja Michael Cohen u l-Membru Frederick Cutajar kienet qed tiehu sehem f dibattitu waqt Forum Ewropew bit-Tema Call to Action for Decent Work, Decent Life organizzat mill-Grupp Socjalista fi Brussel.
Fl-isfond tat-tema tal-Forum organizzat mill-Grupp Socjalista fil-Kumitat tar-Regjuni Decent Life Claudette Abela Baldacchino spjegat ukoll dak li qed jigri f Malta b tariffi godda tad-dawl u l-ilma li l-gvern malti jrid jimponi fuq il-familji maltin u ghawdxin minghajr ma ghamel studju dwar l-effetti li dawn ser ihallu fuq il-generazzjonijiet differenti u saffi differenti tas-socjeta maltija. Dan qalet Abela Baldacchino zgur mhuwiex ser ihalli effetti pozittivi ghal hajja dicenti fost hafna familji.
Qalet li jehtieg li l-haddiema jorganizzaw irwiehhom u jissiehbu ma partit politici u f organizazzjnijiet tradeunjonistici li jiddefendu d-drittijiet tal-haddiema fuq kull livell u minn kull klassi. Is-shubija f Partiti politici u organizazzjonijiet tradeunjonistici m ghandiex tkun biss fazi ta moda, izda ghandha tkun forza kollettiva favur id-drittijiet tal-haddiema, self employed u professjonisti ghaliex fuq kull livell dawn ghandhom il-familji taghhom x jiddefendu u jharsu. Huwa f dan il-kuntest u f dawn l-oqsma li dak li jghodd ghal pajjizi ewropej jghodd ukoll ghall-pajjizna qalet Abela Baldacchino.
Sfruttament iehor huwa dak tal-immigranti illegali qalet Claudette Abela Baldacchino hekk kif sostniet li Malta ma tiflahx tassorbi n-numru ta immigranti illegali li qed jaslu pajjizna ta kuljum; sitwazzjoni li qed twassal ghal sfruttament ukoll fost dawk ir-refugjati li minghajr protezzjoni qed jahdmu f diversi setturi fosthom tal-kostruzzjoni.
Spjegat kif ma jaghmilx sens kif ir-responsabilita tal-immigrazzjoni dwar l-influss ta immigranti li minnu hija milquta Malta tkun wahda volontarja, meta s-sitwazzjoni zviluppat f wahda ta krizi nazzjonali.
Tkellmet dwar ir-realtajiet ta haddiema immigranti li m humiex protetti u kif graw kazi ta haddiema li weggghu fuq il-post tax-xoghol meta ma kienux protetti. Ghal dan kollu qalet Abela Baldacchino hemm bzonn ta azzjoni u malajr.
Il-forum ewropew kien indirizzat mill-President tal-Grupp Socjalista fil-Kumitat tar-Regjuni Mercedes Bresso, minn Conny Reuter Segretarju Generali ta SOLIDAR, minn Rudi DELARUE Direttur tal-Ufficcju fi Brussell tal-Organizazzjoni Dinjija tax-Xoghol, Jan Cremers Membru tal-Parlament Ewropew u Sabine Craenen Rapprezentanta tal-Organizazzjoni tal-Haddiema mhux dokumentati.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The right to the pursuit of happiness – Europe must speak our language

The right to the pursuit of happiness – Europe must speak our language
by Claudette Abela Baldacchino

The right to the pursuit of happiness is intrinsically very American, but like the American dream, we should have a European Dream. “The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is one of the most famous principles in the United States Declaration of Independence. And we are no children of a lesser god, and yes, of course we, as European citizens, should also have the right to pursue happiness.

Please read more:


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mobilising for Democracy – election turnout and voting behaviour

L-Unjoni Ewropeja ghandha tagixxi ghar-rejaltajiet godda li qed jizviluppaw fost il-familji ….interess kbir mis-Socjalisti Ewropej ghall-proposta tal-Partit Laburista biex iz-zghazagh jinghataw id-dritt tal-vot mill-eta’ ta’ 16-il sena…. Claudette Abela Baldacchino Koordinatur tal-Manifest tas-Socjalisti ghall-Elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew

L-Unjoni Ewropeja ghandha tagixxi ghar-rejaltajiet godda li qed jizviluppaw fost il-familji fosthom kategoriji godda ta’ nies li qed jispiccaw eskluzi u mcahhda socjalment minhabba l-mod li bih qed jizviluppaw l-affarijiet b’mod internazzjonali.

Hekk sostniet Claudette Abela Baldacchino il-koordinatur tal-manifest tas-socjalisti ewropej ghall-elezzjonijiet tal-parlament ewropew ghal Gunju 2009 u Membru tal-Kumitat tar-Regjuni fi prezentazzjoni lill-membri tal Grupp Socjalista li kien qed jiltaqa f’laqgha straordinarja fi Brussell bit-tema Mobilising for Democracy – election turnout and voting behaviour.

Id-delegazzjoni Maltija fil-laqgha straordinarja tal-Grupp Socjalista fil-Kumitat tar-Regjuni kienet immexxija mill-President tal-Assocjazzjoni tal-Kunsilli Lokali Michael Cohen flimkien mas-Sindku ta’ Sta Lucija Frederick Cutajar, il-Kunsilliera tan-Nadur Maria Natoli, is-Sindku tax-Xaghra Joe Cordina u l-Vici Sindku taz-Zejtun Joan Agius.

Il-prezentazzjoni maltija qajjmet interess kbir fost il-membri tal-Grupp Socjalista fil-Kumitat tar-Regjuni li semghu b’attenzjoni u approvaw b’akklamazzjoni l-metodu progressiv li bih il-Partit Laburista qed ifassal il-futur taz-zghazagh f’pajjizna, fosthom bil-proposta biex iz-zghazagh jinghataw id-dritt tal-vot mill-eta ta’ sittax-il sena. Giacomo FILIBECK, President taz-Zghazagh Socjalisti Ewropej (ECOSY) li kien fost il-kelliema fil-laqgha straordinarja tal-Grupp qal li qed ihares ‘il quddiem biex jaqsam il-hsibijiet tieghu maz-zghazagh maltin f’konferenza li qed jorganizzaw il-Forum Zghazagh Laburisti u li tulha ser tkun diskussa din il-proposta.

Tul id-diskors taghha fil-laqgha straordinarja tal-Grupp Socjalista, Claudette Abela Baldacchino sostniet li fuq livell Ewropew, il-mira wkoll ghandha tkun li z-zghazagh ikunu kontributur ewlieni fid-decizjonijiet li jittiehdu. Ghaliex tkun opportunita mitlufa jekk l-Unjoni Ewropeja titlef mill-potenzjal, l-idejat u l-hsibijiet li ghandhom iz-zghazagh.

Sostniet li z-zghazagh jitkellmu wkoll dwar il-htigijiet, l-aspirazzjonijiet u l-futur li jridu. U l-Unjoni Ewropeja ghandha tara li tisma u tagixixxi fuq dan ukoll. Iz-zghazagh jitkellmu dwar ir-realta umana gdida li qed tfegg mhux biss fosthom izda wkoll fost il-familji taghhom. Abela Baldacchino qalet li z-zghazagh, l-istess bhal familji jitkellmu dwar ir-realtajiet godda li qed jiltaqghu maghhom fosthom il-kategorija gdida ta’ nies li qed jispiccaw emarginati u mcahhda socjalment kawza tas-sitwazzjoni li qed tizviluppa b’mod internazzjonali kawza tal-prezzijiet dejjem joghlew.

Il-politici ewropej sostniet Claudette Abela Baldacchino ghandhom l-obbligu li jindirizzaw lil din il-kategorija gdida ta’ nies jekk verament iridu li z-zghazagh, il-familji jhossuhom parti mill-progett Ewropew.

L-istess bhal ma l-Unjoni Ewropeja ghandha tagixxi ghall-pjaga socjali li qed tizviluppa fil-Mediterran b’negozju kbir ta’ traffikar tan-nies. Claudette Abela Baldacchino semmiet kif Malta hija milquta minn din il-pjaga socjali fejn fl-ewwel 10 xhur ta’ din is-sena dahlu f’pajjizna 75% aktar ta’ immigranti rregolari milli dahlu s-sena li ghaddiet. Mhux biss l-Unjoni Ewropeja ghandha tagixxi ghas-sitwazzjoni li qed tizviluppa f’pajjizna qalet Abela Baldacchino, izda hemm bzonn ta’ sforz kollettiv mill-istati membri biex in-negozju ta’ traffikar ta’ tfal, nisa u rgiel jigi wkoll indirizzat bis-serjeta.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Claudette Abela Baldacchino represents the PES Group at the biggest annual political event of ECOSY- Young European Socialists

Claudette Abela Baldacchino, Deputy Mayor Qrendi Local Council (Malta), was invited as a speaker at the “Social Europe for everyone” conference, organised on 30 July within the framework of the 9th ECOSY Summer Camp. This major 7-day political event, bringing together young Socialists and Social Democrats from all over Europe, broadly echoed the consultation themes for the elaboration of the PES manifesto for the 2009 European elections.

Claudette Abela Baldacchino, PES Group Coordinator for the gender dimension of the PES Manifesto and the Group's representative within PES Women, is herself one of the youngest members of the CoR. Addressing ECOSY members, she stressed that 'it is of the utmost importance to ensure the availability, sustainability and functioning of social policy that encourages and enables young people to achieve their full potential and to live autonomous lives'.

She intervened alongside Zita Gurmai MEP and President of PES Women, Benoît Hamon MEP, Mia De Vits MEP, Dirk Jarre, Social Platform Vice-President, and Philip Cordery PES Secretary General.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Time to make Europe controversial again

It should not be about ruthless politics. It must be politics with a mind and heart. It must be about men and women, youth, children, the elderly, persons with a disability, dreams and emotions. It is in this sense that we have a moral obligation to make Europe controversial again. It is high time that instead of debating about domestic tug of wars between individuals, we put on the national agenda how the European Union cannot maintain the status quo in public services, a policy area which is largely of a social nature, because market forces alone cannot guarantee an adequate level and quality of service provision.

please read more:


Monday, September 1, 2008

PES Activists in Sofia

The 2007 Council began, despite weather conditions. Fog in Sofia led to the closing of the Airport and to the impossibility of 2/3 arriving. There are stories of delegates, activists and guests spread all over Eastern Europe, from Romania to other Bulgarian small Aero ports.Well, the show must go on, so some say…
It’s with a 1/3 house that the works started, and it was with joy that I saw one of the panels be dedicated to the Childcare initiative. As you probably know, we in Portugal organized a very interesting session with Viera da Silva, Jorge Lacão, Zita Gurmai, and Edite Estrela, late April.
But we are not here to report on our initiatives, so, back to Sofia…It was a very interesting session, in a very informal format, with Poul on stage interviewing Zita Gurmai, Ania Skrypeck, Claudette Baldacchino and Harlem Désir.

please follow more


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Gender issues: Be aware they're everywhere!

Published Wednesday, July 2, 2008 at 10:01
by rikkeindenmark (446 views and 0 comments)

Not long ago I learned about the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions. To be honest I didn't know about the group's existence until a year ago (ignorance is not always bliss), but it's a forum for local and regional politicians to meet and discuss EU politics. It's an interesting organization because many EU decisions impact greatly on the local level - and the PES Group is a chance for local and regional social democrats to meet and work together to influence EU policies.

please read more


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Labour’s euro-strategy – orchestra or cacophony?

It’s early days for the 2009 European elections, but Labour is banging its drum already. By JAMES DEBONO

Just 14 months after winning the 2008 election by a razor-thin majority, the GonziPN ticket will be facing the verdict of the electorate in the European Parliament elections.

please read more....


The Gender Dimension

Without improving the position of women in the labour market, it is hard to create a socially coherent Europe.

Gender equality is inextricably linked with employment and social inclusion, two objectives actively pursued through the Lisbon Strategy.



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

PHOTO Competition - PES Group Committee of the Regions

Context of the Competition
The European Union has undergone major changes in the past few years due to successive enlargements, greater mobility and increased interactions between cultures, religions, ethnic groups and languages. Responding to such changes by promoting an effective and respectful exchange between people with different cultural backgrounds constitutes a priority for Socialists and Social Democrats in the Committee of the Regions (CoR). To this effect, the PES Group in the CoR have decided to organise a Photography Competition, focusing on Intercultural Dialogue in the EU. The theme of the Competition falls within the scope of the 2008 European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. The competition is organised within the framework of the “Europe Works” project, carried out by Agence VU’ and the European think tank Notre Europe.


The proposal for the right to vote at the age of 16 - This is a realistic solution because together we can make Europe work

'The right to vote from the age of 16' - Young people have to be engaged in the work of the EU. We do not want anymore a paternalistic Europe. All new rules and procedures must be drafted with consultation of young people starting from the local level to the European institutions. Abstract from the proposals by ECOSY - Young European Socialists for the run up of the European Parliament Elections June 2009.

“We have to go to grass-root level to discuss and debate these issues. This is what we are doing at party level, and this is very much in line with what the European Socialists are doing in their home towns." Claudette Abela Baldacchino


Malta to take part for the first time during the OPEN DAYS in Brussels

The OPEN DAYS is aimed at EU and regional policy-makers, experts and representatives of banking, business and civil society groups. The seminars and workshops will focus on first experiences of implementing the 345 cohesion policy programmes running from 2007-2013, worth a total investment of about EUR 500 billion in EU and national funds.

Malta to take part for the first time in the European Democracy Week

The “European Local Democracy Week” (ELDW) is a new annual European event with simultaneous national and local events organised by participating local authorities in all Council of Europe member States. The purpose is to foster the knowledge of local democracy and promote the idea of democratic participation at a local level.The week including 15 October has been chosen as the European Charter of Local Self-Government was opened for signature on that date in 1985.

''Involving young people in democratic processes must begin at grassroots level'' - The Congress for Local and Regional Authorities Council of Europe

Strasbourg, 11.08.2008 – “It is in our territorial communities where young people first experience democracy and feel most involved in democratic processes,” stated Yavuz Mildon, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, on the occasion of International Youth Day, 12 August.
“The Congress strongly believes that much more could and should be done for greater involvement of young people and their increased active participation in local and regional life: This remains an important challenge for local and regional elected representatives.
“To this end, the Congress proposes lines of action to stimulate young people's interest, commitment and involvement in the life of our cities and regions, in particular by making full use of the European Charter on Participation of Young People in Municipal and Regional Life. “The Charter offers local and regional politicians a flexible and coherent framework in the priority areas such as the promotion of youth employment, education and professional training, sport and leisure activities. Practical tools for youth participation such as training courses, advice centres, youth projects and using local media created for and by young people are strong components to encourage their active involvement. The setting up of a network of youth councils, as it has been done in Bosnia-Herzegovina, is one example of good practice at the national level. “We must emphasise full integration of young people and promotion of their participation in community life and democratic decision-making processes. More youth involvement today means more democratic stability tomorrow,” stressed President Mildon.

The sphere of Local and International Politics

The Local Councils' Association is empowered to represent all Local Councils in international affairs and since its inception has always taken an active role in international or regional organisations.



Transfrontier co-operation has grown significantly in Europe in the last 30 years. This phenomenon is likely to intensify in view of the increasing interest in such co-operation as a means of overcoming "border effects" in a European integration perspective, jointly managing shared problems and improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of cross-border territories. The development of transfrontier co-operation goes hand in hand with a strengthening of the decentralisation process, reflecting the principle of subsidiarity, and is impossible without a public-private partnership between all politicians, socio-economic players and civil society.

PES Manifesto - European Parliament Elections - June 2009

"When we consult our fellow citizens at grassroots level in order to communicate their concerns, it is essential to raise awareness about the different implications for women and men of any proposed action, including legislation, policies or programmes, in all areas and at all levels of governanceLocal and regional authorities have a key role to play because equality of opportunities for social integration and for participation in economic life as well as in decision-making in all policy areas – from social to environmental and from institutional to external - should be built from the bottom up."

Roadmap for Equality between Women and Men 2006 - 2010

The opinion points out that 'the attainment of the Lisbon objectives requires the contribution of both sexes, not least women. This includes their participation in the labour market, greater family responsibility to be assumed by men, and the possibility for both men and women to reconcile family and work commitments, which is likely to have a decisive impact on the future demographic development in the EU'.Moreover, the opinion underlines that 'to achieve genuine gender equality, the problem of under-representation of women in political and economic decision making must be tackled. Local and regional authorities have a key role to play here because gender equality in participation in politics and in economic life should be built from the bottom up. In this context, the CoR suggests that the idea of quota systems should be discussed at the different levels of governance. However quotas by themselves cannot solve the problem of inequality and discrimination, but they may be one element of a broader and integrated strategy to break up existing structures which exclude women from decision making at the moment'.

It only entails a policy decision to include Local Councils


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Youths are the change agents who can turn challenges into progress for all - Claudette Abela Baldacchino

Youths are the change agents who can turn challenges into progress for all –
Claudette Abela Baldacchino – Member Committee of the Regions
Address during the ECOSY Summer Camp Carpentras France

Youths believe in challenges, and the challenge ahead of us is that of a Europe for people. Youths, the Face book Generation has a natural, and I would say professional role to play in adapting European policies and resources which focus on people’s real concerns.

Youths are the stakeholders of the 21st century, therefore, a multi-stakeholder approach is needed, with the involvement of youths organizations in the process of a European Dream of a Europe for people. Youths are the change agents who can turn challenges into progress for all.

This was the main message delivered during the 9th ECOSY Summer Camp taking place on 25th – 31st July 2008 by ECOSY – Young European Socialists and MJS – Mouvement des Jeunes Socialistes on behalf of the Malta Labour Party and the PES Group at the Committee of the Regions. A message delivered during the “Social Europe for everyone” Conference on 30th July. Due to the quality of the program, the number of registered participants reached 2000. The Summer Camp has been a very exciting and politically relevant event!

The other speakers on the panel were Benoit Hamon MEP, Mia DeVits MEP, Zita Gurmai (MEP and PES Women President), Philip Cordery (PES Secretary General) and Dirk Jarre (Social Platform Vice President). The debate was moderated by Nils Hindarsmann, ECOSY Vice President.

The new young leader of the Malta Labour Party Joseph Muscat also featured during the discussions between the speakers and 'old active members of ECOSY'. They described Joseph Muscat as an energetic and visionary during the debate. It was said that ‘The motivation shown by Joseph Muscat, a colleague and friend from Malta during his active days in ECOSY through the Forum Zghazagh Laburisti gives a breath of fresh air to European politics’. Described a member of ‘the old generation of ECOSY’, Joseph Muscat featured as a role model for the youth in Europe.

Equal members of society
Young people are facing increasing difficulties in accessing quality education, decent employment and in their ability to live autonomously as equal members of society. Language difficulties are selected as the primary reason that a job abroad might be hard to find in all Member States except Malta, where the main reason young people think it might be difficult to find a job abroad is being unable to afford it.[1]

Today, young people face greater challenges, and longer transitions to realizing autonomy. Unaffordable housing costs, reduced access to social protection benefits, accompanied with difficulties in finding a secure footing in the employment market are realities that can stand in the way of young people becoming autonomous. Young people are also concerned about the rising of food and fuel costs.

In this context, it is of the utmost importance to ensure the availability, sustainability and functioning of social policy that encourages and enables young people to achieve their full potential and to live autonomous lives.

Our common interests
Youths are interested in the formation of policies for the betterment of their well-being, the well being of others, their localites, their regions, their municipalities, and look forward for a better environment.

I care, we care …who does not care about his or her family, his/her grandparents, friends and neighbors? about Europe in general? The European Union must not be the missing link in the era of globalization.

We cannot solve our problems in isolation from each other, however, this is not a one size fits all! Young people have a European Dream as well. What are our dreams?

Employment is the key to welfare and full integration in society. Therefore, ensuring that young people can enter the world of work and have decent jobs must be one of the overall aims of the European Social Model.

Education lays the basis for achieving one’s potential as well as for one’s integration in society – both through the transfer of the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for active participation as a citizen, and also through the development of skills and competencies to be creative, entrepreneurial and employable. In this sense, quality education free of charge, tailored to the needs of the learner in terms of personal development and relevance to the labour market should be a key element of the European Social Model.

Autonomy signifies that young people have the necessary support, resources and opportunities to choose to live independently; to enjoy the possibility of full social and political participation in all sectors of everyday life; and to be able to take independent decisions. Employment and education are important prerequisites for young people to achieve autonomy.

When we dream, we strive to achieve what we dreamt upon. We long :

In making Europe into an Environmental Union
A New Social Europe and a strong and fair economy
Ensuring a Europe of security and citizens’ rights
Developing an effective migration policy
Promoting a proactive peace and development policy

When we dream, we strive to achieve what we dreamt upon. These are all challenges in front of us, lets stive to achieve this dream. The Party of European Socialists is offering to make that dream reality!

[1] Abstract from the survey among young people aged between 15-30 in the European Union The Gallup Organization European Commission 2007

Monday, July 21, 2008

Ghall-Parlament Ewropew


Rapporteur ghal Kumitat tar-Regjuni tal-Unjoni Ewropeja


Public Hearing : European Parliament


Qed nahdmu ghal Ewropa aktar umana


Closing Conference: It starts with a scream and ends in silence


For a Good Cause


In Action


An Interview


Chamber of Regions, Council of Europe


The Congress for Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe


Azores Islands Conference


Letter from the President of the Socialist Group in the Committee of the Regions


Maltese gets European Socialist appointment



(Representative of the Chamber of Regions of the Congress
of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe)


Sunday, March 30, 2008


"We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it."
Che Guevara

Saturday, March 29, 2008



PES Group, Committee of the Regions


Union of the Mediterranean

Union of the Mediterranean

In the last European Council, EU leaders gave the green light to a compromise, struck by French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to create a “Union of the Mediterranean”, an initiative aimed at upgrading the EU’s relations with its neighbours from North Africa and the Middle East.

So before analyzing this proposed “Union” it is worth looking at what the EU is trying to upgrade. Relations between the EU and its southern neighbours are based on the so called Euro-Mediterrean Partnership or as it is better know as the “Barcelona Process”. The latter represented a wide framework of political, economic and social relations between the Member States of the European Union and Partners of the Southern Mediterranean.

Since Malta and Cyprus became members of the EU, the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership is made up of 35 members, 25 EU Member States and 10 Mediterranean Partners (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey). Libya has observer status since 1999.

The Barcelona Declaration established three main objectives of the Partnership:

1. The definition of a common area of peace and stability through the reinforcement of political and security dialogue (Political and Security Chapter).
2. The construction of a zone of shared prosperity through an economic and financial partnership and the gradual establishment of a
free-trade area (Economic and Financial Chapter).
3. The rapprochement between peoples through a social, cultural and human partnership aimed at encouraging understanding between cultures and exchanges between civil societies (Social, Cultural and Human Chapter).

It is evident that these three main ambitious objectives have not been fulfilled. There may be several reasons for this one of which is that due to the historical developments that have occurred in Central and Eastern Europe in the nineties the EU has concentrated more on its neighbours from this area. What is a fact is the the Mediterranean is not an area of peace and stability with the unsolved problems in the Middle East. The free-trade area foreseen by the Barcelona Declaration has also not been achieved.

So the revisit of the relationship between the EU member states and its partners of the Southern Medeterrean is in itself something positive. At least it has put Euro Mediterrean relationship once again on the agenda of the EU.

So what is the focus of the new Union of the Mediterranean? Its focuses on the five areas namely:

Improving energy supply;
Fighting pollutions in the Mediterranean;
Strengthening the surveillance of maritime traffic and “civil security cooperation”
Setting up a Mediterranean exchange programme for students, and
Creating a scientific community between Europe and its southern neighbours.

It should also be stated that Sarkozy had originally envisioned the proposed Union as involving only the EU’s Mediterranean countries and its neighbours but not the EU as a whole. However, this proposal attracted strong criticism, especially from Germany, which feared the plan could split the EU into two, with the proposed union becoming a rival to the EU itself. Consequently, the French President was forced to agree to allow all the EU member states to participate in this initiative. He also agreed to change the original title of “Mediterranean Union” to “Union of the Mediterranean” to counter fears that this new union would rival the whole EU project. Of more substance is the fact that Germany prevailed in holding its position that no additional funds will be allocated to this new project. This is contrary to the Franco-Italian proposal that financing to this new body be multiplied from what is being allocated to the Barcelona Process.

As regards the Union’s management structure, there will be two directors coordinating cooperation between the EU and the partner countries. One director is to come from the EU member stares and the other from a non-European Mediterranean country. Each will be appointed for two years, supported by a 20-strong secretariat. As regards the location Barcelona and Marseille are being mentioned as favorites. It is very unfortunate that Malta is not being mentioned in spite of its geographical location as a bridge between mainland Europe and non-European Mediterranean countries or to be more practical the Arab world.

Michael Emerson of the prestigious Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) criticized the way the Union was presented politically. However he considers the new project as “an opportunity to rationalize and revitalize the EU’s present set of policies towards the Mediterranean, which is stuck in a condition of laborious lethargy”.

The proposed Union has less ambitious objectives the original Barcelona declaration but they are also more achievable. While they are less “glamorous” they are more down to earth and can have a more direct effect on the citizens of the Mediterranean countries. A clear example is the surveillance of maritime traffic.

What is worrying is the absence of the Maltese Government from the discussion about this Union of the Mediterranean. If there is an area that one expects Malta to take a leading role in EU discussion is definitely the Mediterranean. I wish that the Maltese Government and particularly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will put my mind and those of the vast majority of Maltese people that the Mediterranean is still a priority not only by saying so but by their actions.

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