About me

About me

Claudette Abela Baldacchino
Deputy Mayor of Qrendi
Member of the Committee of the Regions of the EU
Vice President Socialist Group of the Congress for Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe (CLARE)

The International Field
I have been a member of the Committee of the Regions (COR) since 2006. Has been appointed as rapporteur for the CoR on behalf of the Party of Eureopan Socialist Group in the CoR, member of the InterGroup for the Mediterranean.

I have also been been entrusted by the Party of the European Socialist's Group within the CoR as one of the coordinators for the PES Manifesto for the European Parliament Elections to be held in June 2009.

In 2008 I was elected Vice President of the Socialist Group in Congress for Local and Regional Authorities in the Council of Europe. I was also appointed rapporteur for the Congress for Local and Regional Authorities.

The Local Field
Vice President of the Local Councils Association and representative of the South East Region. Deputy Mayor of the Qrendi Local Council on the Malta Labour Party List.

A journalist by profession. Has produced and hosted news bulletins for radio and television since 1992 with One Productions a local TV media station owned by the Malta Labour Party.

Has also produced, presented and hosted a local production on Local Government issues covering both national and international news with regards to local and regional authorities in the European Union and across Europe in general.

Read BA (Hons) Social Administration and Diploma in Social Studies (Women and Development) at the University of Malta.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Beyond aspirations

We should be proud of our progress but we need to ensure that what we have attained we will keep, and what we desire and need does not become mere aspiration.

Culture, creativity and innovation are the key sources of growth, investment and new jobs. For this to be achieved there must be early, pre-school learning and primary education for the development of basic competences, that is, the knowledge, skills and attitudes that equip people to live and work in modern European society, and to acquire additional knowledge.

Society is changing, but whatever the change we must still have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Social inclusion and or exclusion are related to various aspects of life – ranging from employment to education, culture and leisure, housing to social welfare – limited time and human needs. Social exclusion is not just about basic conditions. It is about not having access to the things most people take for granted – basic skills, a job, and a decent home, a sufficient income and contact with friends and family. It is about not having power over your life and your future. There are new challenges ahead.

please read more:


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